Watch this video presented by dr. Hilman, dr. Eppy Buchori Aristiady, dr. Achmad Fachri, and dr. Samuel Tandionugroho to learn the clinical cases of the role of interventional radiology in Chemotherapy.
Watch this video presented by Prof. Jianping Li, Prof. Roberto Garbo, Prof. Chiung-Jen Wu, Dr. Yuxi Li and Dr. Rony Marethianto Santoso to learn about their knowledge and experience in complex PCI procedures, especially how high-performance medical devices from APT Medical help them tackle CTO PCI.
Watch this video presented by Prof. Kefei Dou, Dr. Huai-wen Liang, Dr. Christian Nolte Rickards, Dr. María Teresa Gil Jiménez, and Dr. Neisser Morales-Victorino to learn about their knowledge and experience in complex PCI and CTO PCI, especially how APT Medical’s braided sheath introducer, Expressman™ Guiding Extension Catheter, Conqueror™ NC PTCA Balloon Catheter, and coronary Microcatheter helped them in difficult procedures.
Watch this video presented by Prof. Luo Jianfang, Dr. Hseng-Long Yeh, Dr. Sriram Tiwari, Prof.Luo Jianfang, Dr. Achmad Fauzi Yahya, Dr. Simon Lo to find out the insights about Cardiac Intervention procedures, and learn more about how APT variable guiding sheath, Braidin™ thin-wall sheath, and Expressman™ Guiding Extension Catheter improved their techniques and skills.
Watch this video presented by Dr. Gabriel Maluenda, Dr. Pablo Spáletra, Dr. Neisser Morales Victorino, and Dr. Jorge Andrade in order to learn the up-to-date radial access technique (dTRA) and complex PCI procedures via dTRA, and learn more about how APT Braidin™ thin-wall sheath making dTRA the ideal next-generation access technique in PCI.
Watch this video presented by Prof. Park Sang-won, Dr. Su Chen, Dr. Tuan Jiun Haur, and Dr. Wang Yuxi to learn about their insights covering from Routine SVT ablation to Myodystrohy associated atrial cardiomyopathy, as well as Atrial tachycardia after cardiac surgery.